Friday, May 14, 2010

My morning chase...

I was taking a right turn on way to my earning source. My indicator was blinking tirelessly when a guy in a white-four-wheel-set acted a little smart, space invading in between by taking a narrow cut, coming from the wrong side of road! (Well, it ain't news that our traffic police is paid to yawn and expand their protruding bellies.) Obviously, he hit my treasured pride from the side. He adopted to escape the scene swirling his steering towards left, zapping to extreme left end of road. Sped. I wasn't letting him go. No way. Am sure had I performed his 'expert' act, people would've stared at me with just one thought - 'lady driver'! It was the rush hour and traffic was thick. Yet, the chase began...

I put my foot on accelerator and zoomed after him. At the next red light, I pulled my car besides him, rolled down my glass, and asked him to park at side. He didn't budge. A guy - thus, a perpetual *** in making. He sped again. So did this lady. Though my focus was his broken, bad car, I kept my cool. Yet, I was in no mood to let him get away. By now, his manhood seemed to be at stake. Only, he didn't know he was about to be robbed of it in a matter of minutes.

He swiftly diverted his car to the service lane. I took a cut too, pulled the car, and hit the brake pad right in front of his. Yay..I pinned him!!! Roughly a 7 min. chase. He had to get out of the thing called an 'insult' to 4-wheel lovers like me. He had no choice. He started yelling a series of excuses in broken, ill-taught English. I wonder why do people adopt this language when it wants to free itself from such language abusers. His facial expressions: Unrepentant and obviously not sorry. Instead, he made a failed try to scare me by throwing weight around...'I'm so & so's son'...Huh! Who's that?? & Who cares? I told him either he pays up for damage or I'm calling the police. He almost lost it. Finally, he came up with that his mum was in hospital...Phheww. I was sure he was lying but the thought ran...'just in case'. My sensitive instincts played and I let him go.
I was relieved to find only minor scratches. The damage was minor and money was not the question. Yet, he was at fault and could've politely apologized. It was his attitude that irked me bad. Have we, as humans, become so oblivious to everything around us that 'Sorry' is Greek to our behavior. Or is that coz I'm a woman? I'm sure he thought she wouldn't catch me anyway. I witness rash male drivers giving ludicrous stares at women drivers, as if steering wheel in our hands is no less a sin than humming translated Eminem lyrics in Taliban. Why don't they introspect themselves everytime they ridicule a woman? And count how many seconds/minutes have passed since the time their own preposterous driving skills and traffic sense almost killed someone.

This guy I chased is sure going to be feeling low for the rest of day, even if his mum isn't hospitalized. So men, every time, you mock at some woman behind wheels, look at yourself and by-heart a traffic rule book. And if you do still make mistakes, atleast act civilized. Coz guess never know when you brush someone the wrong way, and loose much of your overrated stuff.

I'm sure gonna feel nice (even after those minor lines on my black baby :-) )

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