He walks
fast. She is slow. He is quiet. She talks. He thinks. She acts. He’s rational.
She is everything but it. He is spiritual. She is religious. He keeps to
himself. She gets social on an island. He is analytical. She is emotional. He
is overtly organised. She can’t find anything. He detests shopping. She stops
at every shop. He watches only news. She loves soaps and movies. He preserves
everything. She uses here and now. He has no wish list. Hers’ is always in
making. His words are hermits’. She hasn’t matured. He lives saintly. She votes
for comfort. Yet, he is away, she is restless. She is away, he gets bored. She
is sad, so he is. He is happy, she is more. He is unwell, she panics. She is
unwell, he does. She sulks, he teases. She cries. He comforts. When he is
thoughtful, she gets worried. He steps out, she checks on now and then. She
leaves for a bit and he waits. She is for him. As he is for her. He doesn’t
change one bit. No, neither does she. Keep them together. It’s sightseeing north
and south poles. Try pulling them apart and it’s a magnet.
No diamonds.
No roses. No tall claims. 37 and counting. Long drives happen on rough tyres.
Smooth ones claim lives. Wonder what keeps two unusual people awesomely
together? Love? Perhaps.
It’s a
different kind. The kind they don’t make these days.
(22nd Feb, 2013)